

A workshop designed to  empower incorporated association leaders with the knowledge and tools to unleash the full potential of their organisation through effective governance practices, so that they can find the joy in building, growing and scaling volunteer talent.

You love volunteering but  feel overwhelmed or struggle to meet your governance, reporting obligations or Special Rate Funding Agreement with Council.

You're someone who tackles challenges, cuts through the red tape, and has an unwavering belief in the difference you can make.

You're a volunteer on the Board or Committee of a local incorporated business association.

You're passionate about making a positive impact in your local community.

Is this you...

Having to resolve conflict or disputes that may arise.

Meeting governance and financial reporting obligations; on top of your own personal commitments or passions.

Managing a brand, whilst protecting your reputation.

New roles and responsibilities.

The thing is this, volunteering on your local Committee introduces you to new challenges such as:

Working with committee members, employees, contractors or other stakeholders who are not on the same page as you when it comes to governance, leadership or making decisions that benefit the members you represent.


Feel confident in your individual and collective role?

What if you could:


Get clarity on what your association should be focusing on.

Attract capable, committed and high contributing committee members.

Build a brand and unified advocacy voice.

Meet your governance and regulatory reporting obligations.

Find joy in volunteering, and minimise potential burn out of self or other committee members.

Operate independently whilst building strategic partnerships with external stakeholders such as your Council.

Protect the legacy of your association by making decisions that benefit the future of your members, committee members and brand.

It's time to give you a proper strategy, one that helps you build the governance frameworks needed to grow your incorporated association in a productive, assured way.

Here's the workshop breakdown:

To kick off our workshop, we get back to the basics of governance and incorporated associations. It also acts as the perfect induction for welcoming new committee members who may or may not really understand what is involved. For experienced committee members, it's simply a great refresher.

The basics


Now that we understand the basics, it's time to jump right into learning about brand management and leadership. Committee members come and go, but your organisation's brand remains. So, it's imperative that every committee member understands the importance of this.

Brand Management & Leadership


The business operations of an incorporated association, are different to the operations of your business. In this part of the workshop, we unpack every single thing your committee needs to have in place so that it can operate the organisation, meet regulatory reporting requirements and serve its members.

Business Operations


The final part of the workshop is focused on the reason why your organisation incorporated to begin with - strategy and advocacy. As you now know the basics, what your role entails, how to lead and how to operate - your committee can learn how to strategically advocate for its members whilst meeting its governance requirements (without the burn out).

Strategy & Advocacy



"These workshops should be mandatory for every association"


"One of the benefits of this workshop is that it has helped us see that we’re doing a lot right"


"We loved the real life examples; the openness and chance to ask Rania questions"

What volunteer committee members are saying after attending our signature Governance Unleashed workshop:

get started

We come and deliver our in-person Governance Unleashed workshop to your incorporated association. For committee members feeling inspired, you have the opportunity to stick around for a bonus workshop.


Step three: the workshop!

You've accepted our proposal, made payment and returned your signed Client Agreement which means we can get started. An inception meeting is held so we can understand your learning requirements.


Step two: inception!

Your first step if to work out when you would like to book in an in-person workshop for your association. Once you know, you can submit your enquiry.


Step one: get in touch!

Here's how it works!

ready to GET STARTED?


Ready to unleash your associations governance and leadership potential?

A bonus strategic planning session for any in-person workshop.

Ability to ask a Governance Master questions that are impacting your association.

Real life examples of governance issues and investigations, and lessons of what not to do.

A range of fun, vibrant and simple templates and resources. 

We all seek to leave a positive mark, uplift, and bring about meaningful change. Yet, achieving these goals can be challenging, not due to lack of goodwill, but often due to the intricacies of governance, operational workings, and leadership dynamics. At Yellow Round Table, we understand these challenges and are here to guide you through them. When it comes to traders’ association, your desire to stand out, operate independently and advocate for local causes is evident. That's why we keep our workshops No fluff, no BS – just a practical and to the point learning experience that truly values your time.

In every community, a shared aspiration prevails – to make things better.

The Governance Unleashed workshop includes:

As volunteers and business owners, we get it – if we’re going to disrupt your businesses or time with loved ones for a few hours, it better be worth it (and it is). What's included in our workshop:


I'm the Founder of Yellow Round Table and a strategic advisor dedicated to empowering organisations that aspire to stand out and champion causes close to their hearts. A cause close to my heart is helping trader’s associations find the joy in building, growing, and scaling volunteer talent.

My approach to main street governance is distinctively unique – simply because I have  experience as a community volunteer, marketer, events manager, business owner and Council Officer managing the Special Rate statutory process, working directly with trader’s associations, traders, property owners marketing managers, Councillors and Council Officers. This experience is the inspiration and reason why her signature Governance Unleashed workshops are so valuable and resonate with community volunteers of incorporated associations, business owners and Council officers.

I've worked on numerous strategic and statutory projects including the Better Approvals Project, Preston Market, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans, Council Plans, Permits, investigations, Tourism Destination Management Plans, Special Rates, Strategic Plans, Domestic Animal Management Plans and Local Laws,  won an Innovation Award from Kmart Australia, took part in a Sustainability in Business Accelerator Programs for CALD entrepreneurs, awarded Start Up of the Year at the 2023 Hume Business Awards,  Alumni Committee member of ygap and most recently, crowned a Main Street Master in Governance.

Recognised for my work within the industry and local community, I was  was recently selected to take part in Leadership Victoria’s – Women in Leadership Program in 2024. Despite two decades of experience in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, I believe my career is just getting started and am  excited to help others build the governance frameworks needed to grow their organisation in a productive, assured way.

Award winning start up, innovator and national expert in all thing’s main street marketing, governance and compliance.

I'm Rania!






Where to next?

Yellow Round Table specialises in helping traders associations  find the joy in building, growing and scaling volunteer talent.